With the current outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the world is witnessing an unprecedented health situation and global uncertainty as the widespread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to create global challenges and impacting all our lives. Countries around the world have been taking all measures to flatten the curve.

The Lagos state government has taken stiffer measures in other to curtail the spread and ensure her citizens are safe by introducing a LOCKDOWN. Most of these actions taken by the government would have both positive and negative impacts on her citizens especially families in disadvantaged communities who survive on daily income.

To lessen the hardship from COVID 19 lockdown in Lagos State, Sparkle Foundation organized an emergency food drive for 500 vulnerable families in Ottumara Ilaje Community and Alagomeji, Yabaon Wednesday 15th April 2020. The 2kg Garri and 5,000 naira were to support vulnerable families during the lockdown.

The feedback has been overwhelming and we are glad we were able to put smiles on their faces. We are thankful to family and friends for their support towards this emergency food drive.


“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give”

                                                                 Winston Churchill


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Sparkle Foundation COVID-19 Food Bank

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