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First Lessons in Africa

Our participants from Nigeria and Tanzania have already started the first module of the ‘Introduction to Computer Science’ training, which will provide an introduction to the basic concepts of structured programming.
Students from the Sparkle Foundation and from rural schools – the Wisma Field School, Kambangwa Secondary School, and Mumbaka Secondary School – will get to know the simple and understandable Python language, and will learn how to write their first commands. At the end of this module, participants will be able to easily complete complex tasks in this language.

“It’s very interesting for both teachers and students. We learn the Python programming language simply by playing an online game on the learning platform. I recommend this course to many parents and teachers.”

Victor Nwaokoro of the Sparkle Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria.

“Through our lessons I learned about the Internet. Turns out it’s a vast network connecting computers around the world. You can share information and communicate all over the world! It’s amazing!”

Joy Okori of the Sparkle Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria.

“I learned about algorithms. These are step-by-step instructions that are given to the computer using codes. I am very happy to be here today. I want to thank BeginIT for organizing this computer training. I want to be the best computer programmer in the world. Thank you!”

Ayomide Adeosan of the Sparkle Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria.

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