Self-Discovery is the process of gaining understanding of oneself and one’s motivations and needs. It is the process of learning more about yourself and who you are.
The average parent probably doesn’t think too much about supporting the preferences of their children. Sometimes it is natural and parents are eager to engage and share in a child’s likes and dislikes.While for the less privileged child, he or she is responsible for his or herself. It isquite, unfortunate thatmost of the children do not understand their abilities and more so theirstrengths and weaknesses. It can be more difficult for an orphan or a less privileged child who has no parent/guardian to guide them on the part of self-discovery despite the amount of potentials existing in them.
Therefore, it is very essential we teach the children how to look inside(inward)and understand what makes them “me”, recognize their personal qualities and individual strengths.we are also empowering them to discover themselves and the world around them.
Based on our VISION, “A Country where every vulnerable child has access to achieving their full
potential’’during our SELF DISCOVERYprogram held at Banjo Primary School, Ottumara Ilaje, on the 13thof February 2019, we were able to teach the children how to achieve their FULL POTENTIALthrough SELF-DISCOVERY.
Why Self-Discovery is Important for Children
When children discover themselves, they are more likely to:
- feel successful in group situations such as school
- be able to concentrate and learn
- have an easier time communicating their emotions
- gain self-confidence and self-esteem
- develop strong, healthy relationships
- set goals and career parts for themselves.
This activity not only allows for everyone to decorate their treasure chest(Mind)in their own way, but also help children identify and appreciate the unique and special qualities that make them who they are. Italso boost their self-confidence, help them set goals and even aspire beyond limitations and also help them identify their strength and weaknesses.
It also helped themsee whytheyare all different and are allowed to like different things. Children can also learn about new things that others like and canbe introduced to some things they have never heard of before. It can also be a time to discover things you don’t like too, and that is OK!